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What Makes the Best CX Leadership Team?

By May 11, 2023May 12th, 2023All, Direction4 min read
Published on May 11, 2023 | Reading Time: 5 mins

What Makes the Best CX Leadership Team?

According to the International Model for Customer Experience in Government, a critical success factor for the direction of public services is the appointment of dedicated, empowered and qualified personnel to lead and facilitate the customer experience transformation journey and drive positive change.

When establishing public-centred direction, the first step to envisioning a new CX approach is putting the right brains behind the operation. Organisations seeking to transform their CX approach require strong leadership to bring knowledge and new ideas to the table, and to drive positive change across the organisation.

What qualities make for the best CX leadership teams?

When appointing CX leadership, it is important to choose diverse candidates who have the necessary knowledge, skills, and expertise, as well as real world experience. A CX leader should not only bring their ideas and expertise to the table, but also know how to communicate that information to the rest of their team and the organisation. It is also critical that they be analytical and strategic with all aspects of their CX transformation approach. A strong CX leader is one who is business savvy and understands what is needed, and who to delegate to in order to launch their vision successfully.

A strong CX leadership team can be a powerhouse for positive change. By bringing on CX leaders who are influential and inspiring, organisations will transform not only the experience of customers, but those who serve them as well. However, CX leaders must be empowered so that they can empower others: in order for them to effect change on an organisational level, and inspire and motivate others to do the same, they must be provided with the necessary tools.

A CX leadership team must be dedicated to transforming and delivering excellent customer service. This means being able to come up with creative solutions to common problems, and placing oneself in the customer’s shoes. The team members should be passionate and focused on enacting change to create the most positive experience for customers.

How can an organisation empower its CX leadership?

Organisations should ensure that there are clear, well defined roles and responsibilities for the team as a whole, and for the members individually.

According to the International Model for Customer Experience in Government, leaders should have multiple structures to choose from, based on their organisational needs:

This hierarchy structure is best for small organisations where the CX leadership team can work closely with executives to direct CX transformation.

This structure is well suited to organisations with many teams and/or branches which do not typically interact and collaborate with one another. The CX leadership team provides guidance and examples of best practices, and individual teams can in turn use this guidance as it best suits their work.

A hybrid hierarchy allows organisations to ensure that the direction of their CX transformation is uniform across the organisation, while also affording teams the liberty to choose how to implement based on their unique challenges.

Committee-based structures bring together CX professionals to provide guidance on an executive-level, and similar to the decentralised hierarchy, the work of transforming the CX approach is taken on by the teams themselves.

In many ways, a leadership team can make or break an organisation’s CX growth. Creating a successful CX leadership team means bringing together the right people and providing them with the right tools for effective transformation.

In turn, this leadership team drives the direction of the organisation for future CX practices.

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